Get global customers by enabling Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) pricing for your Circle Community

Running a community on on Circle? Easily link your circle community page and configure location-based pricing and promotions with just a few clicks. Attract users from all over the world!

Create dynamic pricing now

How to integrate Circle with ParityDeals

create deals

Create deals

Start adding your product by selecting ‘Create manually’ from the ‘Create deals’ dropdown.

select deal type

Select deal types and setup product info

Please note that you need to enter the exact website URL where you want to display the banner with the coupon code.

pricing rules

Verify pricing rules

Verify the discount percentage for each country group. On default we'll creates the coupon codes for you. You can also customize the coupon code or discount value as per your requirements.

circle create coupons

Go to your Circle cuupon section and create coupons

  1. Click the community name or logo in the top-left corner → Paywalls.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Coupons.
  3. Click New coupon in the top-right corner.
  4. Fill out the information in each tab (see the following for more information).
  5. Click Create coupon.

Customize your banner

Now configure the banner that will be added to your site. You could adjust the text, design, and placement of the banner as per your website theme.

Copy javascript code

Add the script tag

Scroll down to your settings page and add the following script tag to your Circle custom code section to enable Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) pricing for your Circle sites.

<script src=‘’></script>
banner preview

Banner preview

After adding ParityDeals to your Circle account, publish the site. Now targeted customers from different countries will see a banner on your page. The banner includes a discount code that corresponds to their location, allowing them to enjoy a reduced price at checkout.

To test the banner, add a temporary discount coupon for your own country. Please note that VPN usage is detected and prevented from displaying coupons.

Connect ParityDeals with your existing tools

Lemon Squeezy

Officially recommended software by Lemon Squeezy for dynamic pricing offerings

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Streamline your pricing and promotion by integrating Stripe with ParityDeals

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Integrate ParityDeals with paddle to boost your localized sales revenue

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Provide purchasing parity pricing directly from Gumroad by integrating ParityDeals

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Sell more with Chargebee by integrating ParityDeals for promotions and PPP pricing

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Increase sales on Kajabi by offering purchasing parity pricing to your customers

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Increase sales on Podia by offering purchasing parity pricing to your customers

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Sell more with Whop by integrating ParityDeals for promotions and PPP pricing

Learn more