Install ParityDeals
How to install ParityDeals on your site
This guide helps you customize the pricing page of your site using the ParityDeals SDK. First, you need to install the SDK on your site. To install the SDK, simply paste the below script right before your closing </head> tag on your pricing page.
<!-- Paste this right before your closing </head> tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function resolvePdSDKFunction(e,...t){return new Promise((n,i)=>{!function r(){window.ParityDealsSDK&&"function"==typeof window.ParityDealsSDK[e]?window.ParityDealsSDK[e](...t).then(n).catch(i):setTimeout(r,100)}()})}!function(e,t,n,i,r,a,c){e[i]=e[i]||function(){(e[i].q=e[i].q||[]).push(},a=t.createElement(n),c=t.getElementsByTagName(n)[0],"parity-deals-sdk",a.async=1,a.src=r,c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,c)}(window,document,"script","ParityDealsSDK",""),window.ParityDeals={init:function(e){ParityDealsSDK("init",e)},getUpdatedPrice:function(e,t){return resolvePdSDKFunction("getUpdatedPrice",e,t)},updatePriceElement:function(e,t){return resolvePdSDKFunction("updatePriceElement",e,t)},updatePrice:function(e){return resolvePdSDKFunction("updatePrice",e)}};
// Initialize ParityDeals SDK
convertToLocal: true, // Convert prices to local currency
// Pass options as needed
Now, you need to add the a few ParityDeals data attributes to your pricing page. ParityDeals will automatically read these attributes and use them to display the pricing based on the user’s location. See the example below.
Lets assume that your default pricing is $99 and pricing is for India is $60. People from India will see the price as ₹5,023.
Select country
Add attributes
Customized code
Key Price Attributes
- Purpose: Used to set the base price for an item before any discounts are applied.
- Behavior: This price may be modified by the SDK based on discounts or currency conversions.
- Usage: Place this on the main price display element for each item.
- Purpose: Used to show the original price when there’s a discount, typically for comparison (e.g., strikethrough price).
- Behavior: This price is not modified by discounts but may still be affected by currency conversions.
- Usage: Place this on elements meant to show the pre-discount price alongside the discounted price.
<div class="price-container">
<span class="current-price" data-pd-original-price="100">$100</span>
<span class="original-price" data-pd-original-price-display="120"><s>$120</s></span>
In this example, if a 10% discount is applied: The element with data-pd-original-price=“100” might update to show “$90”. The element with data-pd-original-price-display=“120” would remain “$120” but might be converted to local currency if that option is enabled.
data-pd-rel Attribute
- Purpose: To associate multiple price elements that should be updated together.
- Usage: Add the same data-pd-rel value to all related price elements.
- Behavior: When the SDK updates prices, it will find and update all elements with matching data-pd-rel values.
<div class="pricing-plans">
<div class="pricing-plan-item">
<h3>Basic Plan</h3>
<div class="price-container" data-pd-original-price="99" data-pd-rel="basic">
<span data-pd-price-formatted></span>
<div class="original-price" data-pd-original-price-display="99" data-pd-rel="basic">
<span data-pd-price-formatted></span>
<div class="pricing-plan-item">
<h3>Standard Plan</h3>
<div class="price-container" data-pd-original-price="199" data-pd-rel="standard">
<span data-pd-price-formatted></span>
<div class="original-price" data-pd-original-price-display="199" data-pd-rel="standard">
<span data-pd-price-formatted></span>
In the above example, basic plan is linked with data-pd-rel=“basic” and standard plan is linked with data-pd-rel=“standard”. When the SDK updates the price for this product, it will automatically update all elements with matching data-pd-rel values.
Data Attributes
To customize your pricing page, use the following data attributes on your HTML elements:
Data Attribute | Description |
data-pd-original-price | Set on elements displaying the original price |
data-pd-original-price-display | Set on elements displaying the original price when it’s different from the current price (e.g., for strikethrough prices) |
data-pd-rel | Used to group related price elements |
data-pd-price-formatted | Used on elements where you want to display the fully formatted price |
data-pd-currency-symbol | Used on elements where you want to display just the currency symbol |
data-pd-price-integer | Used on elements where you want to display just the integer part of the price |
data-pd-price-decimal | Used on elements where you want to display just the decimal part of the price |
data-pd-price-decimal-point | Used on elements where you want to display just the decimal separator |
data-pd-currency-code | Used on elements where you want to display the currency code |
data-pd-show-decimal | Whether to show decimal places |
data-pd-round-to | How to round prices (‘up’, ‘down’, or ‘none’) |
data-pd-decimal-places | The number of decimal places to show |
data-pd-convert-to-local-price | Whether to convert prices to local currency |
data-pd-thousands-separator | The character to use as thousands separator |
data-pd-decimal-separator | The character to use as decimal separator |
Configuration Options
convertToLocal: true,
thousandsSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.',
decimalPlaces: 2,
roundTo: 'none',
showDecimal: true,
bar: {
unStyled: false,
showCloseButton: true,
placement: 'top',
container: null,
backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
fontColor: '#333333',
borderRadius: '0px',
fontSize: '14px'
Option | Type | Default | Description |
thousandsSeparator | string | ‘,’ | The character to use as thousands separator |
decimalSeparator | string | ‘.’ | The character to use as decimal separator |
decimalPlaces | number | 2 | The number of decimal places to show |
roundTo | string | ‘none’ | How to round prices (‘up’, ‘down’, or ‘none’) |
showDecimal | boolean | true | Whether to show decimal places |
convertToLocal | boolean | false | Whether to convert prices to local currency |
bar | object | {} | Configuration for the promotional bar |
bar.unStyled | boolean | false | Whether to use unstyled banner |
bar.showCloseButton | boolean | true | Whether to show a close button on the banner |
bar.placement | string | ‘top’ | Where to place the banner (‘top’ or ‘bottom’) |
bar.container | string | null | CSS selector for a custom container element |
bar.backgroundColor | string | ‘#f0f0f0’ | Background color of the banner |
bar.fontColor | string | ‘#333333’ | Font color of the banner text |
bar.borderRadius | string | ‘0px’ | Border radius of the banner |
bar.fontSize | string | ‘14px’ | Font size of the banner text |
Public function
Gets the updated price for a given original price.
ParityDeals.getUpdatedPrice(10, {
convertToLocal: true,
// Other options
}).then(function(result) {
console.log('Updated price:', result);
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error('Error getting updated price:', error);
Updates the price element with the updated price.
ParityDeals.updatePriceElement(document.querySelector('#basic-price'), {
convertToLocal: true,
// Other options
}).then(function(result) {
console.log('Price element updated:', result);
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error('Error updating price element:', error);
Updates multiple price elements on the page with custom templates.
element: document.querySelector('#price-1'),
price: 10,
options: {
convertToLocal: true,
// Other options
template: '<div class="price">{{formattedPrice}}</div>'
element: document.querySelector('#price-2'),
price: 20,
options: {
// Other options
isOriginalDisplay: true
template: '<div class="price"><span>{{currencySymbol}}</span>{{integerPart}}{{decimalSeparator}}{{decimalPart}}</div>'
]).then(function(results) {
console.log('Prices updated:', results);
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error('Error updating prices:', error);