Are you struggling to increase your sales and revenue despite investing time and resources in different growth channels and ads? Well, have you considered implementing geographical pricing for your SaaS product? By setting prices that match the local market, you can increase your sales by 20-70% on average, outsmart your competition, and even …

As a SaaS company, one of the most important levers for growth is your pricing strategy. But how do you determine the best pricing for your SaaS offering? The answer is through ongoing price experimentation.

Price experimentation means frequently making incremental changes to your pricing and offers to see how your customers and revenue respond. By …

The digital era has brought numerous opportunities for knowledge content creators to reach a global audience. However, one of the most significant challenges faced by these creators is pricing their products and services to accommodate the differences in purchasing power across countries. By offering localized pricing and country-specific deals, …

Last year I quit my full-time job to focus entirely on my side projects. My most selling product is an open-sourced JavaScript library called lightGallery.

I was getting visitors to my website from all over the world. But sales mainly were happening from the United States, Canada, and a few parts of Europe.

Because the pricing was US-centric and …

Purchasing power parity is an economic term for measuring prices at different locations.

It helps you determine how much your product should cost in each country.

For example, At 6.98 U.S. dollars, Switzerland has the most expensive Big Mac hamburger sold by McDonald’s. Concurrently the cost of a Big Mac was $5.81 in the U.S. and $2.55 in …